Step-by-step instructions for starting, running, and managing an Effective Parenting Support Group. Included is a special section on “How to Help Parents Who Feel Overwhelmed.” Participant Guides are also available to give each member of your group the ground rules to keep your group on track.
Start an Effective Parenting Support Group in your area. These groups are a great way to help others in your church grow in their parenting, and an excellent way to reach out to hurting parents in your community. One of the greatest benefits, however, is for those who lead and organize the group. As you help others in their parenting you will grow yourself in ways that you hadn’t imagined.
This guide is divided into three sections. The first section gives you more information about what Effective Parenting Support Groups are and why they work. The second section gives you specific instructions about how to start and run an Effective Parenting Support Group in your church or community. The third section is a practical suggestion manual for helping parents who feel overwhelmed. You will learn about three kinds of crises, how to deal with what appear to be insurmountable problems, and how to view your role as you work with parents who need help. Includes forms for starting, running, and managing the Group.