Ways to Connect Your Kids to God’s Spiritual Strength

Dr Scott Turansky We all want to be in the habit of regularly praying for our kids. We know it’s important and that we should do it more. But what do you pray for? The list is long but one of the big things we want for our children is…

From Half-Hearted Compliance to Whole-Hearted Cooperation

Samantha sat at the dining room table working on a craft after school. Her mother had already told her twice to set the table for dinner and now repeated the instructions for the third time. Samantha sighed audibly and dragged herself to…
Badgering, Whining, and Arguing: Just Say No

Badgering, Whining, and Arguing: Just Say No

Dr Scott Turansky Saying no to a child’s request can be one of the most difficult of all parenting responsibilities. You may wonder if you’re being too strict, or you may second-guess your decision because your child seems so upset.…
Discipline in Public

Discipline in Public – The Best Strategy of All

Dr Scott Turansky The most-often-asked parenting question is, “What do I do when my kids act out in the grocery store?” It’s frustrating when children throw tantrums, run away, whine, complain, or disobey in the store. It would be…
Tackling Demandingness in Children

Tackling Demandingness in Children

Liam is a bright, energetic, and ambitious eight-year-old, but lately, his demanding behavior has become a challenge. It started with little things—whining for a new toy, complaining about dinner, and badgering his sister over the TV…

11 Ways to Connect with Your Child’s Heart

Dr Scott Turansky A big THANK YOU to our friends over at Lightway Baptist Church for creating a PDF document with several quotes from the Parenting is Heart Work book. In our busy lives today, connecting on a heart level is easy to overlook.…

6 Things Kids Can Do When They Are Bored

Dr Scott Turansky “I’m bored!” Richie whined. Sometimes kids complain that they’re bored and other times you can just tell because they’re instigating trouble, getting into mischief, or just grumbling and complaining in…

Attitude: A Window Into a Child’s Heart

Dr Scott Turansky Getting the job done is important, but what about the rolling eyes or huffing and mumbling? Is a bad attitude inevitable? Sometimes parents excuse the attitude by saying, “At least he did what I asked.” Others use excuses…

Yelling isn’t Necessary – But Firmness Is

Dr Scott Turansky Some parents believe that the only way to be firm is to be harsh. But firmness and harshness are very different. Firmness says that a boundary is secure and won’t be crossed without a consequence. Harshness, on the…
Cultivating Your Child’s Prayer Life

Cultivating Your Child’s Prayer Life

Noah and Lily Thompson’s parents were on a mission—a mission to cultivate a love for prayer in their children's hearts. But as any parent knows, getting children to sit still and talk to God can sometimes feel impossible. The Thompsons…