  • Develop the Family Ministry in Your Church

Provide Engaging Children and Youth Ministries.

What better place to start than what you’re already doing? Offer the strongest children and youth programs possible. Provide biblical education and faith training that disciples children to think of their families as a learning and growing environment. This includes discipling kids to think rightly about the family and their role in it. Children are important and can help their families be stronger.

If you are looking for engaging, biblical children’s curriculum, we recommend DiscipeLand. It’s also good to keep a good connection with parents, supporting what they are doing at home. You might provide links to good Christian literature, movies, or video series. You might also provide book reviews or age appropriate Bible and theology questions to help parent interact spiritually with their kids.

Look for ways to engage kids to be a proactive family member, a life-long follower of Christ, and for ways to live a missional life. Children and youth ministry can provide children with Bible knowledge as well as practical application. After all, many of the stories in the Bible involve families.

Creatively involve parents in what you’re doing with children and youth. That might mean simply improving communication about what you’re teaching in the children and youth programs so parents are informed and able to dialogue with their kids about biblical principles. Or, maybe parents can be more involved in the actual meetings you have with kids.

Look for ways to develop prayer at each age. Suggesting prayer charts with answers to prayer noted can help children see God at work. Be sure to include thanksgiving and praise.

Teachers and classroom help can learn specific strategies for classroom management at our Biblical Parenting University.