  • Develop the Family Ministry in Your Church

Empower Parents to Learn, Worship, and Serve Together

When you offer intergenerational opportunities for children and parents to worship, learn, and serve together in church life, families have opportunities to develop an identity. Children see their place in the larger family of God.

You’ll likely want to discuss family ministry with your worship leader who can empower the young people and be sensitive to the younger generation in worship. Every leader in your church should be asking how they can involve children and youth, or how what they are doing might contribute to them.

Move parents from learning about their children and youth, to learning with them, by planning special events that bring all generations together. Begin encouraging all ministry leaders to understand and welcome the value of family ministry.

Parents need to pass the faith on to their kids and the church is the training ground for that to happen. Actual events and activities have parents and children serving and worshiping together to train parents to pass the faith on to their children.

Some churches develop a model of age-integrated Christian education. These churches meet as house churches or together in large groups, minimizing traditional children and youth programs.

Other churches supplement age-segregated Christian education with family learning experiences. This might include occasional family worship experiences, family mission trips, family VBS, and family events and activities.

Teach parents how to disciple their children and youth at home and prepare to come to church events, including Sunday with a heart to serve and give.

Look for ways to equip parents to worship, learn, and serve the Lord at home, in their neighborhoods, with their friends, making the family a center for evangelism and discipleship, and then reporting successes and struggles in the church environment.