Welcome to Hero Training Camp at Home

You are about to begin an adventure! You’ll need all three components of this package in order to begin. The Hero Training Camp Curriculum book, the At Home Parent Guide (download link below) and these webinars. There are eight lessons all together and lessons plans to cover the material in eight weeks.

Begin each week by looking over your lesson in Hero Training Camp Curriculum book. Download the Parent Guide and look over the corresponding pages for that week. Feel free to print out the appropriate pages for your lesson. Once you are familiar with the lesson, you are ready to watch the webinar for that week.

In the webinar, you will receive insight and tips for making the most of that week’s lesson and activities.

Here is the PDF of the At Home Parent Guide to download.

The Parent Guide gives you lesson plans for each day. So you’ll want to look over the pages while you watch the webinar, and then get ready for some fun and active learning.