Each of the following packages provide special deals. We’ve grouped products to maximize your parenting in specific areas. Click on the links below to see the packages. Please note that you don’t have to purchase all of the products or courses in each package but they do all complement each other. To purchase the products independently, specific links are provided.
Package #1: Integrate Your Faith with Your Parenting
This package contains tools for you to integrate your parenting both biblically and theologically. It will give you practical solutions that tie into God’s Word. This will provide greater confidence that you’re parenting along biblical truth.
The following resources make up this package, you’ll be offered them all if you start at the beginning. However, if you don’t want all of them, you can pick and choose by using the links provided for them separately.
1. Biblical Parenting at Your Fingertips ($7)
Cheat Sheet of 71 parenting challenges, with scripture for each AND 100 four-minute parenting solutions.
2. Parent the Child Who is a CHALLENGE to Parent – 4 Audio Session ($19)
4 Audio Session
3. Home Improvement: A Practical Theology of Parenting ($59)
This course contains 8 videos, 8 note-taking pages, 8 questions for further thought, and 8 practical parenting solutions. It also contains two ebooks. The first one is Home Improvement: The Parenting Book you Can Read to Your Kids AND Heart Moments: Real Life Stories of A Heart-Based Approach.
Read more about each product below:
Now, you can have a simple, Biblical, truth-based approach to handling the most painful, frustrating parenting problems all of us face. Dr. Scott Turansky spent more than 30 years helping thousands of parents use the Bible to guide their kids. Enjoy more peace, more joy, more love with your children.
You’ll receive what we call the Cheat Sheet, giving you scripture passages for common parenting challenges.
AND, you’ll receive the BONUS TRAINING of 100 short 4-5 minute videos (These are still being uploaded over the next few weeks. Some are already there but this project is in process. All should be loaded and ready in the next few weeks.) Each video takes one verse or Bible story and shows you how it applies to parenting.
All this for $7 with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
2. Parent the Child Who is a CHALLENGE to Parent – 4 Audio Session ($19)
The 4 session audio series called Parenting the Child who is a Challenge to Parent.
8 practical lessons, each one teaching an aspect of theology that parents need. Each lesson contains a video teaching, questions for reflection, note taking pages, and a special fact page about that lesson. Here are the topics of the 8 lessons:
Session 1: A Theology of Obedience: It’s not just about the task, it’s about the process.
Session 2: A Theology of Repentance: It’s time for a change of heart.
Session 3: A Theology of Correction: A good response to correction makes all the difference.
Session 4: A Theology of Morality: Rules are important, but they must be tied to values.
Session 5: A Theology of Emotions: Emotions are good but can be dangerous.
Session 6: A Theology of Discipleship: Always keep the bigger picture in mind.
Session 7: A Theology of Wisdom: Teaching kids to learn from life equips them forever.
Session 8: A Theology of Strongholds: Deeply rooted challenges need a strategic approach.
Once you purchase this course for $59 you’ll be given the option of a church site license for unlimited use in groups with discussion questions and note taking handouts. This church site license costs $98.
This package is designed to strengthen your parenting roots into God’s Word and a Biblical World View as it applies to raising children. A must-have for every Christian parent.