Each of the following packages provide special deals. We’ve grouped products to maximize your parenting in specific areas. Click on the links below to see the packages. Please note that you don’t have to purchase all of the products or courses in each package but they do all complement each other. To purchase the products independently, specific links are provided.
Package #4: Integrate Your Faith with Your Parenting
This package contains tools for you to integrate your parenting both biblically and theologically. It will give you practical solutions that tie into God’s Word. This will provide greater confidence that you’re parenting along biblical truth.
The following resources make up this package, you’ll be offered them all if you start at the beginning. However, if you don’t want all of them, you can pick and choose by using the links provided for them separately.
1. Tech Wellness at Home ($97)
2. Hero Training Camp ($19)
3. Everyday Parents Can Raise Extraordinary Kids
Read more about each product below:
Each video is tailored to address specific challenges and offer practical solutions. You’ll be totally ready to help your children navigate the digital world. Here’s a quick summary…
- Session 1: Understanding Electronic Influence – Go deeper into how electronics impact your child’s brain and behavior.
- Session 2: Preparing the Parent – Deal with your own motivation, prepare for resistance, and learn how to make changes in a postive way.
- Session 3: Understanding Electronics Addiction – Understand the brain/heart connection and identify the early signals of addiction.
- Session 4: Use Electronics to Teach Character -Teach children how to use technology responsibly and with purpose.
- Session 5: Teaching Kids to Accept No as an Answer – Teach children to live within limits, a skill they will need for the rest of their lives.
- Session 6: When Kids are Dishonest – Kids who lack integrity need training and electronics provide the arena where practice can build internal strength.
- Session 7: Setting Boundaries Effectively – Implement effective and compassionate limits on device usage.
- Session 8: In Pursuit of Balance for Your Child – It’s not just about electronics overuse. It’s about a balanced life.
2. Hero Training Camp ($19)
Hero Training Camp uses the life of David and the biblical concept of the conscience to teach children to be internally motivated in four areas: Doing what’s right, dealing with wrongs, being honest, and caring about others. This action-packed, activity-based program for children teaches kids that God has provided them with the standard equipment to be heroes in training now. Their job is to pay attention to the conscience and the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Each session contains:
- Bible Story: From the life of David with practical applications for children.
- Memory Verse: A Bible verse that children can memorize.
- Power Words: Summarize the lesson.
- Science Experiment: Illustrates an aspect of conscience development.
- Biblical Teaching: Presented on a child’s developmental level.
- Fun Craft: A reminder of the lesson.
- Energizing Games: With a point for discussion.
- Snack: Teaches a truth.
- Hero Exercise: For children to practice between sessions.
- Role Play: Helps children integrate the truths.
Discussion Points: Throughout to help you as a parent teach these truths.
What You’ll Learn:
- Internal Motivation: Help your children rely on their conscience rather than external prompts in key areas: doing what’s right, dealing with wrongs, being honest, and caring about others.
- Practical Parenting Strategies: Get 21 actionable strategies to implement in your home.
- Biblical Foundation: Root your parenting in solid theology with a biblical approach.
- Heart-Based Approach: Understand how this method differs from traditional behavior modification techniques.
- Conscience and Holy Spirit: Learn to leverage both for effective parenting.
- Self-Reflection and Teaching Convictions: Understand your own convictions and how to instill them in your children.
- Handling Emotions and Correction: Coach your children to manage their emotions and respond positively to correction.
- Develop Responsibility and Initiative: Teach children to take initiative and be responsible.