29. Teaching Kids to Learn from Life

Experience is a valuable teacher. It teaches skills such as how to ride a bike, how to find lost shoes, and how to pay for something at the store. Experience teaches children what it feels like to be left out, to win or lose, or to be put on the spot. Unfortunately, though, if parents aren’t careful, they can rob their children of lessons that could be learned from experience because they believe that loving their kids means keeping them from struggles. Parents who continually rescue their children often short-circuit the learning process by intervening too soon. Sometimes parents can accomplish more by doing less. During this episode, parenting coaches Dr. Scott Turansky and Elena Zwetsloot are sharing practical advice and ideas on how to best support your children and how to focus on the end parenting goal, a changed heart. Enjoy this episode and for more information on Elena Zwetsloot, please visit www.parentingisheartwork.org. For more information on Dr. Scott’s ministry and work, follow www.biblicalparenting.org.
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