9. When Children Need Coaching

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During this episode, parenting coaches Dr. Scott Turansky and Elena Zwetsloot are talking about the importance of coaching, as a skill for parents.
The word “coach” implies two important things when it comes to parenting. First, the relationship is one of partnership instead of being a policeman. And second, practice is an essential ingredient for change, especially in deeply rooted issues.
Here are some things to remember about coaching:
- Kids can only take as much pressure as the relationship allows, so keep the relationship as close and strong as possible.
- As you coach your child remember that you are emulating what God does for us. He sends us a coach, the Holy Spirit, to guide, lead, convict, comfort, counsel, and help.
- A coaching attitude puts you on the same team as the child instead of encouraging an opponent role.
Enjoy this episode and for more information on Elena Zwetsloot, please visit: www.elenazwetsloot.com
For more information on Dr. Scott’s ministry and work, follow www.biblicalparenting.org.
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