50. How to Give Children Hope
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to speak and lead our children with hope, so they can have and build hope as well. Hope is a very important part of our lives as parents and of our children's…

49. How to Help Children to Deal with Worldliness
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how parents can help children learn about the world we live in in a biblical way - as well as ways to help them become wise and know how to discern and make wise…

48. How to Focus on the Relationship
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about building strong relationships, why it's so important and how relationships are the soil in which we plant the seeds of love and affection for or children. Having…

47. How to…Deal With Electronics Addiction (Part 2)
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about something that is very prevalent amongst our children and teenagers: technology and devices addiction. They will discuss how to deal with this at different ages…

46. How to…Deal With Electronics Addiction (Part 1)
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about something that is very prevalent amongst our children and teenagers: technology and devices addiction. They will discuss how to deal with this at different ages…

45. How to …Plan in Dealing with Anxiety, Sadness and Anger
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how parents can help children have a plan to deal with the three main emotions that are: anxiety, sadness and anger. We discuss them each individually and…

44. How to…Teach Children to Deal With Anxiety
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to coach children t grow spiritually. Our relationship with God, praying and reading the Bible are essential aspects of our lives and learning about these…

43. How to…Coach Children to Grow Spiritually
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to coach children t grow spiritually. Our relationship with God, praying and reading the Bible are essential aspects of our lives and learning about these…

42. How to…Coach Teenagers to Break Bad Relationships
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to teach teenager to choose healthy friendships as well as to stop the bad relationships they are in. Friendships are very important for our children and…

41. How To…Teach Kids to Add Energy to Your Family
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to teach children to add energy to the family life. Within a family there are chores and tasks to be done, as well as fun activity - we discuss how to teach…