40. How to…Make Parenting Shifts
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about how to make parenting shifts, how to be flexible based on your children's needs and the support and firmness they need. Learning to be aware of how our children…

39. How to…Affirm Approximately Right Behaviour
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will talk about affirming approximately right behavior in our children, instead of always expecting perfection. This is such an important concept for parents as affirmation brings…

38. How to…Teach Children to Honor Others?
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will share more about honor and why it is so important in family life, looking at it from a biblical perspective. Each child is unique and requires a different approach and strategy…

37. How to…Ponder the Matter of Spanking
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will discuss the matter of spanking, looking at it from a biblical perspective. Each child is unique and requires a different approach and strategy to help them learn and develop.…

36. How To…Parent Multiple Children
During this episode, Dr Scott and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot are sharing some practical and wise ideas about how to best parent when you have more children. Each child is unique and requires a different approach and strategy to help them…

35. How To…Overcome Selfishness
During this episode Dr Scott Turansky and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot are discussing about selfishness, what makes it challenging and what are some ways to help children overcome it. Selfishness does not only affect the character of our…

34. How to…Deal With The Contemporary Idea of Sexuality
We recorded this episode in 2022 when the Corona pandemic was still impacting society and the way we functioned, in terms of schools, shops, events, etc.
During this episode, Dr Scott Turansky and parenting coach Elena Zwetsloot will…

33. How to…Teach Children the Wise Appeal
In this episode, Dr. Scott Turansky and coach Elena Zwetsloot share how to teach children to appeal wisely and respectfully to a 'No' answer or a decision that the parent has made. It is important to learn when and how to use it, to make sure…

32. How To…Teach Children to Work Harder
This year 2023 we are starting with a new series on our Podcast called: “How to… “ and we will be focusing on giving practical tips and ideas to make strategic and lasting changes in your children and families. This first episode focuses…

31. Parenting Children with ADHD
Children who experience Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder need help. If you’re the parent of this child, you’re the person God has placed in your child’s life to provide the hope, encouragement, and growth needed to cope in today’s…