How to Communicate to Your Child When You Mean Business

Many parents find themselves frustrated when their children fail to follow instructions effectively. A child might exhibit a bad attitude, require multiple reminders, ignore, or even run away when given instructions. These situations can hinder the smooth functioning of family life and create tension within the home. 

Obedience is more than just getting tasks done around the house. It holds within it a wealth of valuable life skills and character-building qualities that children need to thrive. By understanding the theology of obedience and its practical applications, we can empower our children to excel not only in getting tasks done but also in all areas of life.

When we talk about the theology of obedience, we’re exploring the concept through the lens of Scripture. Ephesians 6:1 reminds us of the familiar command for children to obey their parents in the Lord. This verse sets the foundation for understanding the importance of obedience, not just within the family dynamic but also as an integral aspect of our spiritual lives.

Obedience teaches children the vital skill of sacrificing one’s personal agenda for someone else. It’s foundational for healthy, cooperative relationships in the home, at school, on a sports team, and even at work. This skill is crucial for fostering effective teamwork, personal responsibility, and integrity.

How Can You Teach Obedience More Clearly in Your Home?

As parents, we must consider how we communicate instructions to our children and how they interpret them. Often children perceive instructions as suggestions, ideas, or even questions. It is essential to establish clear cues that indicate when we mean business and expect obedience without resorting to harshness or anger.

One effective technique is the use of a tight action point. An action point is the moment when we transition from talking to taking action. By clearly defining this point, we empower our children to recognize it and understand the need for obedience. Many parents communicate to their children than they mean business with a harsh tone or a raised voice. This effectively tells the child that the talking is over and action is coming.

Unfortunately, anger often damages relationships. We would suggest word cues are more effective, but they must be followed with action so the children know that you mean business. We would suggest you use the words “you need to” to foster a sense of obligation and emulate the conscience. 

Responsibility creates an internal uncomfortable feeling we call obligation. And it’s accompanied by the words “I need to.” You might be driving along the road and say to yourself “I need to get gas.” Or maybe you’ve said to yourself, “I need to pay my bills.” These are demonstrations of responsibility. Many children don’t have this internal prompting yet; parental guidance helps them to develop it.

It’s important to note that teaching obedience goes beyond accomplishing tasks. It’s about instilling character qualities that will guide children throughout their lives. By understanding the theology of obedience and employing practical tools, such as an action point, children can develop more internal character. 

Embracing the Gift of Obedience for Lifelong Success

Obedience is a precious gift that we give to our children, equipping them with essential life skills and character traits necessary for success. By embracing the theological foundations of obedience and implementing practical strategies, you empower children to excel not only in completing tasks but also in developing integrity, perseverance, and the ability to prioritize. This gift extends far beyond the confines of family life; it permeates every aspect of their future endeavors.

We invite you to dive deeper into the concept of obedience and explore the transformative teachings of our “Home Improvement” video series, workbook and eBook. These resources provide valuable insights and practical tools to help you navigate the complexities of parenting and raise children who understand the power of obedience.

Unlock the hidden gems within other concepts like correction, rules, and strongholds, and witness the positive impact it can have on your family dynamics and your children’s futures. Visit our website to access the resources and embark on a journey of growth and transformation. You can build a solid foundation of character and lifelong success for your children.

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