
Chapter 1 and Audio Session 1

Teaching Kids to Listen and Follow Instructions

A heart of cooperation is important in any family, but many children resist the simplest requests. In this lesson you will learn five steps to a good Instruction Routine. Five parts for the child and five parts for the parent provide families with direction in this essential area of family life. Learn how your work teaching cooperation and responsibility now will produce excellent employees for the future and how to help your children learn to listen to God as well.

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Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 2 and Audio Session 2

Reaching Deep into a Child’s Heart

Children believe things in their hearts that are counter-productive. Thinking errors lead to bad attitudes, rebellion, and other parenting challenges. Learn how to influence what your children believe and gain several practical ways to do this deeper heart work in a child’s life. Parents love this session because they know that behavior change is not enough, children need to believe different things in their hearts.

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Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 3 and Audio Session 3

Correction Ideas that Touch the Heart

The Bible uses the term “repentance” to describe a change of heart. Many children change their behavior but you can tell by looking at them that their hearts are still in the wrong place. This session suggests practical tools for correction that put the responsibility for change on the child instead of on the parent. Use these tools alone or in combination with consequences to bring about lasting change in your child.

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Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 4 and Audio Session 4

A Toolbox of Consequences

Seven categories of consequences provide tools for parents as they work on the hearts of their kids. Some children have deeply-rooted problems and need a variety of approaches in order to see significant change take place. Special emphasis on the heart shows parents how to use these tools most effectively. Included in this session is the part of the toolbox that is highly effective but often overlooked.

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Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 5 and Audio Session 5

Ending Discipline Times with Impact

Lingering tension after discipline often creates distance between parents and children. This session will show you how to strategically end every discipline time. Children learn to take responsibility for their part of the problem instead of blaming problems on others. Practice this routine and you’ll teach your children how to process mistakes both now and for the rest of their lives.

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Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 6 and Audio Session 6

Teaching Children to Accept No as an Answer

Everyone has to learn to live within limits and it’s best when children learn it young. Accepting no as an answer teaches children the valuable heart-quality of contentment. Children have many manipulative techniques to challenge a no answer including, whining, badgering, and arguing. If you see these bad habits in your kids, this session will show you exactly what to do to bring about the change both you and your kids need.

MP3 only

Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 7 and Audio Session 7

Attitude: A Window into a Child’s Heart

You see it. You don’t like it. In fact, sometimes it makes you angry. Bad attitudes bring a stormy climate into any family. It’s much easier to get kids to do the right thing than it is to get them to do it with a good attitude. This session is an essential for any family where bad attitudes exist. You’ll learn the three components of an attitude and then use these components to make deep and lasting changes.

MP3 only

Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Chapter 8 and Audio Session 8

How to Start Connecting with the Heart

Learn what makes a heart hard and ways to begin the softening process. Whether your child is three or eighteen, this session will give you practical ideas for connecting with your kids on a deeper level. Parenting is a challenge, but a few things can make all the difference between distance and closeness. Put these principles into practice in your family and your kids will be glad you did.

MP3 only

Recorded from a Live Seminar, 45 minutes.

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Heart Work Church Kit Video Series

8 Sessions on DVD, Leaders Guide and Participant Handouts Included

Parenting is Heart Work Training Manual with Audio Sessions

8 Lessons for Individual Use or Mentoring

Parenting is Heart Work Book

Paperback, 256 pages

Treasure Hunters Children’s Curriculum

8 Lessons for Children Ages 3-12, Reproducible