Parenting Preschoolers – An Adventure for parents and kids

Children are a gift from the Lord, but knowing how to care for your precious gift requires some training. You want to develop skills and study your child to see what specific approaches will reach his or her heart.

We have a lot of resources to help you work with your child between the ages of 2 and 5 years. This page will guide you through the many resources we offer so you can find the best ones to suit your needs.

You might want to start with Preschool Explorers, a book that contains many ideas for working with young children using a heart-based approach. This book helps you understand your preschooler. Developing responsiveness to authority and self-control are two key heart qualities to work on at this stage. Preschool Explorers shows you how to do this using your everyday interactions.

Your child is in a stage of rapid physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. It’s important to be prepared for the many opportunities provided. In these preschool years you can do a lot to help your child build strong heart qualities that will last throughout the rest if his or her life.

The heart is the place where we wrestle with things and experience desires, temptation, and emotion. It’s the place where children feel conviction of sin and hold beliefs that will dictate much of their behavior. The heart is also the place where God works, so introducing your child to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is important at this age. To understand more about the heart you may want to read the book Parenting is Heart Work. If you’d like to read a fun book that contains over 70 contributed stories about how parents connect with their children on a heart level, you’ll want to look at the Family Heart Moments Book.

You might also want to look at the Parenting Preschoolers Toolkit. It contains a beautiful Bible with 200 Bible stories just for kids. it also has three posters providing milestones for three, four, and five year olds including suggestions for spiritual growth as well. In addition, a booklet entitled, Preschool Explorers, gives a few chapters written by us about how to work strategically with that age. It’s a portion of the full book featured below