Tag Archive for: Heart Work

What is a Heart-Based Approach to Parenting?
If you’re doing a lot of good parenting but your child isn’t changing, then it might be time to think differently. That’s not to say you’re doing something wrong, but your child likely needs a different approach. Many…

Kids who Play the Blame Game Lose
Dr Scott Turansky
Some children have a problem blaming others and not taking responsibility for their part of the problem. In the child’s imagination, it’s always someone else’s fault. These children have the ability to see all kinds…

Badgering, Whining, and Arguing: Just Say No
Dr Scott Turansky
Saying no to a child’s request can be one of the most difficult of all parenting responsibilities. You may wonder if you’re being too strict, or you may second-guess your decision because your child seems so upset.…

Discipline in Public – The Best Strategy of All
Dr Scott Turansky
The most-often-asked parenting question is, “What do I do when my kids act out in the grocery store?” It’s frustrating when children throw tantrums, run away, whine, complain, or disobey in the store. It would be…

11 Ways to Connect with Your Child’s Heart
Dr Scott Turansky
A big THANK YOU to our friends over at Lightway Baptist Church for creating a PDF document with several quotes from the Parenting is Heart Work book. In our busy lives today, connecting on a heart level is easy to overlook.…

Yelling isn’t Necessary – But Firmness Is
Dr Scott Turansky
Some parents believe that the only way to be firm is to be harsh. But firmness and harshness are very different.
Firmness says that a boundary is secure and won’t be crossed without a consequence. Harshness, on the…

How to Love Your Kids When They Need Correction
Dr Scott Turansky
Children need firmness, direction, limit-setting, instruction, and correction. But don’t forget, they also need a lot of love. Of course, you know that, but it’s good to be reminded every once in a while, especially…

The Heart is a Wrestling Place
Dr Scott Turansky
The heart is where we wrestle with things. When experience, teaching, and values need to be integrated into life, it happens in the workshop of the heart. Information comes into our heads on a regular basis but much of…

Morning Routines
Dr Scott Turansky
Getting ready in the morning can be a great training time for children. Many things need to get done and the same routines are typically repeated day after day. With some strategic planning on the part of parents, kids…

When Kids Can’t Accept a No Answer
“The answer is no.” How does your child respond to that statement? Handling disappointment is part of life and knowing how to respond well to limits is part of maturity. But some children have a difficult time when…