Your children know your Action Point, Do you?

Dr Scott Turansky In the journey of parenting, it's common to encounter moments where repetition and raised voices seem to be the only triggers for action from our children. Many parents confess, “I have to get angry to get a response.” In…

Firmness vs. Grace: Finding Balance in Christian Parenting

Dr Scott Turansky One of the common challenges parents face is determining when to be firm and when to show grace. As Christian parents, we often wrestle with questions like, “Should I be strict in this situation or offer grace and let…

Parenting’s Primary Purpose

G GUEST BLOGGER: Barrett Johnson, along with his wife Jenifer, founded Imperfect & Normal Families Only (I.N.F.O. for Families) in 2013. Their ministry focuses on equipping families with a biblical worldview, addressing modern challenges…

From Nagging to Nurturing

Dr Scott Turansky Nagging. It’s a common problem in many households, and if you’re like most parents, you don’t enjoy repeating the same thing over and over again to your kids. You might find yourself constantly telling your children…

Kids who Play the Blame Game Lose

Dr Scott Turansky Some children have a problem blaming others and not taking responsibility for their part of the problem. In the child’s imagination, it’s always someone else’s fault. These children have the ability to see all kinds…

A Positive Solution Electronics Overuse

It’s easy for both adults and children to lose track of time as hours slip by in front of a screen. But the problem goes beyond time lost—excessive electronics use can have a profound impact on a child’s development, shaping not only…

Ways to Connect Your Kids to God’s Spiritual Strength

Dr Scott Turansky We all want to be in the habit of regularly praying for our kids. We know it’s important and that we should do it more. But what do you pray for? The list is long but one of the big things we want for our children is…

From Half-Hearted Compliance to Whole-Hearted Cooperation

Samantha sat at the dining room table working on a craft after school. Her mother had already told her twice to set the table for dinner and now repeated the instructions for the third time. Samantha sighed audibly and dragged herself to…
Badgering, Whining, and Arguing: Just Say No

Badgering, Whining, and Arguing: Just Say No

Dr Scott Turansky Saying no to a child’s request can be one of the most difficult of all parenting responsibilities. You may wonder if you’re being too strict, or you may second-guess your decision because your child seems so upset.…
Discipline in Public

Discipline in Public – The Best Strategy of All

Dr Scott Turansky The most-often-asked parenting question is, “What do I do when my kids act out in the grocery store?” It’s frustrating when children throw tantrums, run away, whine, complain, or disobey in the store. It would be…